Organisational Committee Members
David Moore
David Moore has been involved with Australia’s restorative justice movement since the pilot program of group conferencing in NSW in the early 1990s. He has taught at several universities, worked in a Premier’s Department, trained facilitators and helped establish evaluated programs around Australia, North America, the UK and Scandinavia, and worked with David Williamson on the Jack Manning Trilogy of plays. In recent years, David has been a principal advisor to the Defence Abuse Response Taskforce and National Redress Scheme.
Michael Wood
Michael John Wood is an Anglican priest who works as a university chaplain, professional facilitator, and leadership coach. Michael has pioneered the use of Open Space Technology, Talking Circle, and Restorative Justice processes in church leadership in Australia. He is a founding member of the Peace and Nonviolence Education Australasia network and an online contemplative Prayer Community called Contemplatio.
Alikki Vernon
Vice President & Secretary
Alikki Vernon has worked in conflict management and restorative practice for more than twenty years. She coordinated the Dispute and Conflict Resolution Programs at La Trobe University Law School, and currently provides professional development training in group conferencing with Dr David Moore. She provides mentoring, and support for service-delivery & program development in justice, community and workplace contexts, practical support in managing workplace conflict, community and public sector organisational governance, & responses to institutional abuse and adolescent and adult family violence.
Michael Mitchell
Membership Manager
Michael Mitchell has over thirty years’ experience in law and dispute resolution (DR), and works as a Mediator, Conciliator, Trainer and Restorative Engagement Facilitator, with appointments across a number of Australian DR jurisdictions. He is the Director of Mitchell Mediation, a dispute resolution practice that assists and empowers individuals to achieve just and durable outcomes. Michael has specialist expertise in personal injuries of both a physical and psychological nature.
ACT Restorative Justice Unit
Amanda O’Neil
Amanda has convened with the ACT RJU for 8 years.
She has a background working in psychotherapy, homeless services, DV crisis services and justice agencies. Her work to create and maintain safe spaces for people impacted by crime, and to realise the therapeutic potential of victim-offender conferencing, is informed by feminist and narrative perspectives.
Central Victorian Restorative Practices Alliance
Eastern Metropolitan (Melbourne) RAJAC
Eastern Metropolitan RAJAC
represented by
Aunty Lois Peeler
Aunty Lois Peeler
Aunty Lois is a Yorta Yorta Elder, a member of the Sapphires, political activist, passionate educator and principal at Australia’s only Aboriginal girls’ boarding school. Lois began her career in the community sector as Assistant Director of the Aborigines Advancement League, and subsequently held senior positions in the State and Federal public service. In 2017, she was named Victorian Senior Australian of the Year.
Jesuit Social Services
JSS represented by
Genevieve Higgins & Clare Horsfall
Clare Horsfall
Clare is Senior Manager of Jesuit Social Services programs in the Northern Territory.
Genevieve Higgins
Genevieve is Manager of Community Justice Programs at Jesuit Social Services in Melbourne.
Current jurisdictional representatives
The AARJ Committee has State and Territory Association Representatives, who (i) act as a local point of contact, and (ii) keep colleagues in other jurisdictions informed of local developments.
Current jurisdictional representatives are as follows:
QUEENSLAND: Christine Jones
TASMANIA: Rikki Mawad
WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Graham Castledine